Friday, October 14, 2005

The big picture behind Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, AOL, Real, and Sun deal-o-mania

The big picture behind Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, AOL, Real, and Sun deal-o-mania
Between the Lines, publication date: 13 October 2005
"Meanwhile Microsoft has a competing technology for music, but it's not doing nearly as well as Apple's. At least not yet. It's busy licensing it's playback and DRM technologies to as many licensees as it can to create the same sort of feeding frenzy around its PlaysForSure ecosystem has it did with system vendors for the Windows ecosystem (much to the chagrin of Apple). It's even giving away its DRM technology until the end of the year just to stimulate interest. By the time 2009 rolls around, when analysts think MP3-player demand will spike, I suspect the balance of power in the audio market will have shifted substantially towards the direction of the Microsoft PlaysForSure ecoysystem."
via Dan Gillmor

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