Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Copyright Controversies: Freedom, Property, Content Creation, and the DMCA

Copyright Controversies: Freedom, Property, Content Creation, and the DMCA
event at the Cato Institute, 26 April 2006, live and archived webcasts
"There are substantial debates under way about intellectual property, and copyright in particular. Is intellectual property founded in a natural right to ownership of information? Is it a utilitarian tool to give incentive to creation? Or is it a counterproductive monopoly on ideas? The advance of technology has changed the creative process in many ways. Is copyright consistent with new modes of creation? Finally, there are questions about how copyright laws are enforced. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act amended the law to accommodate the advance of the Internet, but it remains highly controversial in some circles. There are differences of opinion among thoughtful people on all these issues. Join us at a conference designed to expose the issues and raise the question: What should we think of copyright?"

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