Monday, April 10, 2006

You’ve Got to Fight for Your Copyright

You’ve Got to Fight for Your Copyright
Business Today [Egypt], publication date: April 2006
"However, intellectual property isn’t just valuable for companies like Oracle, Sony or Pepsi. Nermien Al-Ali, legal counsel for intellectual property rights with the law firm of Ibrachy & Dermarkar, says even local companies must prioritize protecting their intellectual property rights, which are sources of revenue that add value to products and distinguish them in the market.

“There are two products on the shelf, why would I pick up one and leave the other?” Al-Ali asks. “Because I trust the company. Why would I pay more than LE 100 to buy, for example, a Mobaco shirt when I can get a generic cotton one for LE 40 only? Because I am buying value that is associated with the brand name.”"

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