Thursday, February 16, 2006

RIAA Says Ripping CDs to Your iPod is NOT Fair Use

RIAA Says Ripping CDs to Your iPod is NOT Fair Use
EFF, publication date: 15 February 2006
"If I understand what the RIAA is saying, 'perfectly lawful' means 'lawful until we change our mind.' So your ability to continue to make copies of your own CDs on your own iPod is entirely a matter of their sufferance. "

RIAA et al. says CD ripping, backups not fair use

RIAA et al. says CD ripping, backups not fair use
ArsTechnica, publication date: 15 February 2006
"As you can see, the argument is hinged partially on the cost of replacements. Why should you be allowed to make backups of CDs you've purchased when you can replace them? And why should CD backups be legal when users can already decided to purchase from (DRM-laden) services that do allow the limited copying of lossy music files? Here, again, we see the way in which the RIAA et al. would like to see contract law take over the domain of fair use. "Leave it up to DRM, you big dummies!"